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Posted on Jul 30 within Book, Lifestyle, Offline

Book ..err Series Review – The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Author: Cassandra Clare
Date: May 27, 2014
Number of Books: 6
Source: Purchased
Genre: Fantasy literature, Young-adult fiction, Urban fantasy

Just a warning: This review is not dedicated to each book separetly, but to the entire series as a whole. I don’t want to review each book. I enjoyed the series as a whole, but there were certain events that I liked from each book.

I first heard about the The Mortal Instruments when I actually went into a bookstore and was looking for something new to read. I was intrigued by the book cover. I didn’t even know about the movie, since the movie didn’t come out till sometime later. I started reading the first book, but I actually stopped when the movie came out. I feel that this is a little bias since I actually didn’t finish the first book. I just went based off the first movie. Don’t get me wrong. I liked the movie, and I loved the series. I just need to reread the first book.

Anyways, the series was amazing. After I started reading book two, I was hooked. I went through the second and third book really fast, almost a week apart from each other. I liked the idea, but at the same time, I hated the idea of Clary and Jace being brother and sister. When I finally finished the third book, I was so happy. I know they are the main characters/pair in this series, but they are my favorite characters. Besides the movie, I could picture Jace and Clary easily in my head. Actually, their whole world, I was able to see everything in my head as I read the series.

Each book held so much information, so much action, so much romance. Each page, I kept wondering what was going to happen next. However, if I had to pick a favorite book out of the series. My favorite would have to be Book VI: City of Heavenly Fire. I enjoyed the journey that Jace, Clary, Isabella, Alec, and Simon had to take. I felt as if the days were dragging by and when they reached the stronghold, the journey was over. It reminded me of when I played Final Fantasy VI. You had to travel across the world before you reached your final destination. I enjoyed reading all the side events that happen on the journey. Yes, I am picking out the cave scene, too. It was very well written, and love the spark between Clary and Jace. As I said, they were my favorite characters throughout the series. At the ending, I have to admit, I was sad. I felt sorry for Sebastian, especially at the end. Now, with the series over with, I feel like a part of my life is over with. When you find a series like that, you just want to keep reading and reading. In conclusion, this series has a special place in my bookshelves. I know it will be a series that in the future that I will read again for sure.

RATING: 4.5/5
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1 Comment

  1. Chiara

    October 16, 2015 at 12:19 am

    I’m so glad you liked this series! I actually finished the last book about a week ago (after having put it off for about a year, because I am terrible at finishing series).

    I loved the third book (City of Glass), and it still remains my favourite. I just liked how different it was to the first two, and how the relationships progressed, as well! I find it interesting that the series almost finished with that book but it was so popular + Clare had more to write, so it was continued to a six book series. I think that was a good idea, because there were a lot of things still left open after book three.

    Jace is definitely my favourite character of the series because he is a perfect mix between hard and vulnerable, and those characters are always my favourites.

    I don’t know if you know this, but there is a prequel series called The Infernal Devices, and a sequel series (which will have cameos from The Mortal Instruments characters) called The Dark Artifices. So you can read more of the Shadowhunter world! 😀


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