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Posted on Oct 7 within Lifestyle, Motherhood, Offline

2-Months and more

Leah is 2 months old. There has been some adjustments with having a baby around. I don’t do a lot that I used to which is kind of sad, but I can not deny that I don’t like it. At first when she was born and during my pregnancy, I kept debating about if being a mom is what I wanted. Now, I don’t regret her being here. Don’t think that since she is here I regret it. I don’t. Nothing will change that. I just remember when I first wanted a family how we talked about it.

Leah has been all smiles and kicking like crazy. We took her to her doctor’s appointment earlier this week. She gain 1 pound and 8 ounces since her last check up and grew a half an inch longer. According to her doctor, she is pretty prortionate in her size. I don’t think as she grows she will be a big girl. My husband and I are not very big. She is healthy which makes me happy. The doctor asked questions regarding to her feeding and mobile skills. I am still breastfeeding. I just need to supplement. At first, I kept trying to improve so that I can only breastfeed. I finally accepted that I have to supplement. Plus, now that she is starting to sleep through the night, I am not so sure on the pumping part. I rather feed than pump. I want to continue breastfeeding, but I am not sure how much longer. Other than that, things have been good with her. She is such a good baby. Only cries when she is hungry or has a wet diaper. I am a very lucky mommy.

I have been debating about going back to college to get my degree in Secondary Education. This would allow me to create my goal of teaching like my grandmother did. The cool thing would be is that I would have a master’s degree instead of just a bachelor’s degree. We are still talking about it, but if I decide, I would attend an online campus so that I could stay home with my daughter.

I can’t really talk about beauty with this post for I haven’t really wore a lot of makeup. Lately, I haven’t been too interested in wanting to try new products or do new looks. I usually just wear the same products. I wear a foundation, bronzer, blush, and mascara. Nothing too big and nothing really fancy. I go through spells where I am interested in makeup to times where I just want to go back to what I used to do. This is one of those periods. Maybe next month I will wear more, but so far, it is looking to be about the same.

I am still working on my novel. I finally wrote chapter 5. I just need to edit it and start working on chapter 6. I don’t know why it takes me forever to write a chapter. I know what I want to happen. I just need to sit down and do it. I think I am procastinating too much or I am just plain out lazy. Sometimes, I think that is the best answer for everything I do.

Anyways, not much else is happening. Till next time!

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1 Comment

  1. Michelle

    November 10, 2016 at 7:41 pm

    Congrats ^^ I can’t imagine about having a young child around. One day, perhaps. I wanna be a mother.


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