Leah is 2 months old. There has been some adjustments with having a baby around. I don’t do a lot that I used to which is kind of sad, but I can not deny that I don’t like it. At first when she was born and during my pregnancy, I kept debating about if being a mom is what I wanted. Now, I don’t regret her being here. Don’t think that since she is here I regret it. I don’t. Nothing will change that. I just remember when I first wanted a family how we talked about it.
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I have been trying to bring more to my blog with it either being life posts or just random things I can think of. My last few posts have been about my pregnancy and of course my general life offline. Well, as you saw, my last post was about the birth of my daughter Leah.
This post is my August Updates which include beauty, lifestyle, and a whole bunch other things. Since my daughter was born in August, I have to include her. She has been a dream to have. I love motherhood, and everything new thing that brings along with it. She is absolutely adorable. Sure, there are ups and downs, but what would motherhood be without them.
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Last week turned out to be a different experience. Monday started out pretty normal with a few twinges that I wasn’t quite sure about. When Wednesday came around for my next Doctor’s appointment, my husband and I found out some information. My baby girl’s due date was for August 8th. She was still pretty healthy and active in the womb on Wednesday. The doctor said that if she wasn’t here by her due date, we would meet for another appointment and make the decision on when to induce. My husband and I basically had a plan. She would be here within the week before the following Friday. Wednesday was my birthday, so my husband was kind enough to treat me out before we headed home. That is when things started to change.
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