Posted on Jun 17 within Motherhood
A Blessing from Above

This month has had some very strange twists and turns. However, with everything that has happened, I wouldn’t change a thing. This experience was completely different, and from this experience I know that my future will be better and that this was the right choice.
I was currently in my last trimester of my pregnancy. Our special little one was moving around a lot and kicking me like crazy. This pregnancy was certainly different from my last one with my daughter.
During the first week of June, I woke early in the morning and felt a gush. I wasn’t sure if it was because of my bladder or my water breaking. We called the hospital and was told to come in. I spent most of the day getting checked. During my 36 weeks appointment, I found out that I was dilated to a one already. After staying at the hospital that one day, my dilation went from a one to a four. My doctor didn’t expect me to last any longer before the baby was due. Turns out another surprise was just about to happen.
I was released to go home and just try to relax and do my normal things. The next morning things just felt like normal. However, when I went to the bathroom, I noticed I lost my mucus plug. During my daughter’s delivery and leading up to labor, I never had my water break nor did I lose my mucus plug. This was a complete different story. Again, my doctor didn’t think I would go the full 40 weeks. She thought I would be back. Well, turns out I didn’t go into labor, but I did have some contractions. I went for my 37 weeks appointment and even my 38 weeks appointment before everything started.
With my daughter, I had sharp pain that made me scream out. This time around the little one caused me to have a lot of tight pressure around the stomach. My stomach would go rock hard because of the contractions. They were never consistent or at least, I could tell if they were consistent because of how tight my stomach would stay.
Anyways, Thursday was a normal day. My mother-in-law and I took my daughter to the library for some library time. During that period, I noticed I was having around 5 to 7 minutes of extreme tightness in my stomach. It would happen for 3 times or so and then take a break for about 30 mins. During lunch, nothing happened. However, when I woke from my daughter’s nap, that is when I noticed the tightness in my stomach wasn’t going away. No matter what I did: moving, walking, drinking water, the tightness in my stomach was not disappearing. I called my husband and then the hospital. The hospital told me to come in.
I arrived at the hospital, got changed, and position in the bed. They checked me to see if I had change, but I was still dilated to a four. My other doctor came in and had my stay for at least 15 minutes before releasing me. When he came in and checked me, that is when things started to change: I was dilated to a 5, almost a 6. I wasn’t leaving the hospital this time.
The nurses moved me to a delivery and labor room. I wasn’t having the same strong contractions I had with my daughter, but the tightening of my stomach wasn’t releasing. It was only going time and patience till my little one was here. Over the night, they kept coming in and checking me. I kept dilating, but not quick enough.
Around 5 in the morning, one of the nurses came in to check me. She noticed that I was dilated to an 8 and my water had broke. It was only going to be a matter of time before it was time for me to push. Wow, how wrong we were on that. Around 9 in the morning, my doctor came in to check me. She was surprised. I actually had another water sack that needed to be broke. During the night, they started me on pitocin thinking that might speed up my dilation and labor progress. When my doctor came in and found the second water sack, we knew now why I wasn’t progressing. After breaking it, my dilation went quick and before I knew it, it was time to push.
When I delivered my daughter, my mind was in and out. All I knew was that I teared pretty bad and didn’t even realize what was happening. This time around, I actually reached around my legs and was coherent through the whole process. I was determine to deliver this baby and not have any complications. Even though, I did tear a little bit, my baby boy arrived. Lucas Grant was born on June 14th 2019 at 11:53AM weighing in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long. He arrived a week before his due date right on week 39.

He is an amazing little guy. Sleeps pretty well for almost 4 hours at the time. I will knock on wood for that and accept my blessings for that can change. He nurses really well, but we still need to supplement. This time around, I understand why and can accept it. Leah loves seeing her baby brother and wants to help out whenever possible.
Even recovery is going a bit different for me. However, with the delivery recovery, I have another recovery happening. I made decision when I found out I was pregnant that this was going to be my last pregnancy, and I was going to tie my tubes. The surgery was a success even though I was so scared going through with it. I never have been so scared in life as they wheeled me into the operating room. Luckily enough, I was asleep through the whole process.
As I said, recovery is a bit different since I am recovery also from the surgery, but the delivery recovery is going quite well. I am giving myself at least 6 weeks of recovery before I start any type of exercise. I am making sure to keep counting my blessings and know that I have everyone in my family there supporting me especially if I have my difficult times. I am going to make sure that this time around I beat postpartum depression.
Till next time, I am going to enjoy my family. I have two beautiful children, an amazing husband, and two playful puppies. My life is pretty blessed and pretty perfect.
August 26, 2019 at 10:37 pmI am so happy for you!