Posted on Mar 16 within Lifestyle, Motherhood, Offline
Surprises come in small packages

I know I have been pretty bad about keeping this place updated. Heck, I haven’t been very good about updating anything unless I am making a shrine at my other domain. That is about to change, though. Things are starting to slow down. As I stated in my last post, I am currently pregnant. This pregnancy has been going quite well actually. Sure, we had some difficulties during the first trimester, but afterwards everything was starting to go pretty smooth. I don’t have any cravings yet, but the weight has started to appear. Even at 19 weeks, I am starting to show.
Now, regarding to finding out what we are having, that was a long debate. At first, my husband wasn’t wanting to actually know. It was a tradition in his family to wait till the day the baby was born. I was a little bit against it. I wanted to know what I was having so I could plan things Sure, in our current house, we were not going to have a nursery, but I still could plan things by clothing, toys, and other essentials that I would need. Well, that debate was finally broke.
I actually had to move my appointment. We were suppose to have my sono and doctor’s appointment this Friday. However, for three weeks, I was having a bit of abdominal pain. We were worried, but at the same time not drastically worried. This was nothing compared to last time. Anyways, I called my doctor, and she moved my appointment to the first Friday in March which was three weeks ago. We went for the appointment and found out that everything was fine with the baby. The baby was actually doing very well and very active. Decided to kick as the sono was being done and move around quite a bit. However, that wasn’t the big surprise.
My husband at first was wanting to have a boy. He knew that having a boy protection wouldn’t have to be too strong. Since we had our two dogs or even our first dog, he has become very protective. He was a bit worried that if we had a girl, he would be over protective with her. Well, over the months as the pregnancy was going smooth, he decided that he actually didn’t care. He just wanted a healthy baby. Well, I am happy to say, he is not getting boy. I am actually pregnant with a very active little girl.
Don’t worry. He is very happy about and getting pretty excited. This pregnancy is completely different from the last one. The only thing that I am noticing is because of my size, I am feeling her move and kick quite a bit. Not something I am used to. Anyways, I am so excited for August to get here for my little caterpillar will be here.
We have learned that surprising things come in small packages, and this little one was definitely our little surprise. My sisters and my whole family are going to be surprised. This weekend is my gender reveal get together and I am excited to see their reaction!
Will keep you updated on how everything goes, but as it always seem to happen, updates will come as much as I can produce. Till next!
April 14, 2016 at 9:33 amCongratulations on having a baby girl!! And I agree that at the end of the day having a healthy baby it’s the important thing. (: Have fun in the reveal of the gender!
April 19, 2016 at 9:16 amCongratulations on your baby girl! I hope everything goes well for you and as planned. I am much like you and would want to know as well since I am very much a planner as well. I believe after a while of ultrasounds as you hit your third trimester it would be a bit obvious anyways (;
Having a healthy baby is for sure #1 priority, so I do wish you all the best! Keep us updated!
April 25, 2016 at 2:21 pmAwww congratulations – I hope everything continues smoothly for you and baby