Posted on Apr 3 within Lifestyle, Offline, Online
Cloudy day

The saying goes that there will always being a ray of sunshine through the darkest days or when one door closes another door opens. If those sayings are true, then I hope with my belief and my faith, that one door does open for me or there is a ray of sunshine in these dark days. There has been a lot happening. This week has been hell. It is hard for me to even figure out what is going to happen next. I know that with the current situation, it has give me the opportunity to do what I wanted to do. I just now have to get my behind in gear and do it.
I recently just lost my job. At first, I was upset about it. I have no insurance, no 401K, no paycheck coming in. What was I suppose to do? However, after talking it over with my fiance, he suggested that I start up one of my business. He wants me to do makeup reviews and such on another site. I am fine with that, but I also know the work and cost of doing a makeup review site. He believes I can use my current makeup and go from there. Sooner or later, I am going to have to start buying makeup. However, it might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. My second option is continue working with the webdesigning business. I know if I sit down and start the coding, I can produce a layout. I just don’t know if it will make the money I need to survive. My last option is my writing, even if my fiance doesn’t believe it will help at this moment. If I can become an author, I will accomplish my main goal after graduating college.
This week has been hell with other issues both on his side of the family and mine. However, I am hoping that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. I need something to give me that boost to keep trying. Sooner or later, everything will start to fall into place. Keep praying for me for each prayer helps.