Jun 18
Small bit of update
I really haven’t wrote much here at my journal. I’ve been trying to get things adjusted to how I want to use my blog and my websites. I know for sure that I really want to keep my design website updated and keep updated with my writing. Those are two important things for me especially if I want to stay at home with my little girl when she gets here.
Mar 16
Surprises come in small packages
I know I have been pretty bad about keeping this place updated. Heck, I haven’t been very good about updating anything unless I am making a shrine at my other domain. That is about to change, though. Things are starting to slow down. As I stated in my last post, I am currently pregnant. This pregnancy has been going quite well actually. Sure, we had some difficulties during the first trimester, but afterwards everything was starting to go pretty smooth. I don’t have any cravings yet, but the weight has started to appear. Even at 19 weeks, I am starting to show.
Now, regarding to finding out what we are having, that was a long debate. At first, my husband wasn’t wanting to actually know. It was a tradition in his family to wait till the day the baby was born. I was a little bit against it. I wanted to know what I was having so I could plan things Sure, in our current house, we were not going to have a nursery, but I still could plan things by clothing, toys, and other essentials that I would need. Well, that debate was finally broke.
Dec 30
To a brighter year
It has actually been quite a while since I posted last. I was debating about doing some type of tag post related to the holidays, but I just never got the inspiration or the motivation to sit down and write one. Instead, I was browsing the web between my favorite journals and watching YouTube videos when the inspiration hit me today. Okay, maybe not today. I’ve actually been wanting to a write a new post for quite a while. I am really thinking about branching out and bringing some new ideas to this site. I still love writing about my personal posts, but I think next year there will be a bit to write about.
I have to say that I am ready for 2016. 2015 had a lot of ups and downs. I lost my job at the beginning of the year, but that didn’t change my relationship. I was happy about that for during the summer I ended up getting married and went to Hawaii for the honeymoon. I wish I had photos, but my husband has the whole trip on his camera. Too bad something else had to hit us just a couple of months after the wedding. I had a miscarriage. Now, that was a hard blow. We were ready to start a family. Sure, inbetween the sad moments, we did decide to get a new puppy. She is now over 6 months old and such a doll to have. I post quite a bit of pictures of her on Instagram along with our older dog. I believe that helped us through the hard time of losing the baby. I wrote a whole post regarding it if you are interested. Later in the year, we lost my husband’s grandfather. Sure, we were prepared, but that didn’t make it any easier. I found out that my dad’s mom, one of my grandmothers, broke her hip and will never be able to walk again while during Christmas, my mom’s mom, my other grandmother, ended up in the hospital and is now staying at a nursing home to get better. All in all, 2015 had quite a bit of ups and downs. We are ready for the New Year.
However, we are not just ready for the New Year because we are hoping to have a better year. We are actually excited for something else. At the end of November, we found out I was pregnant again. This time around everything is going to better. Sure, my husband is still nervous. He was actually the one that was in shock after the miscarriage. Howver, this time around everything is going better. I am due at the beginning of August.
I usually post goals and such for the new year. However, with that big news, I think I am going to make it simple. I just want to have a healthy baby when time comes. I want both of my grandmothers to see their new great grandchild, and I hope that where ever life is leading me, it will be a lot smoother than what 2015 brought me. To a brigher year!