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discovering each precious
moment life gives


My main goal in life is to live each precious moment that life gives and hopefully that is the same for you. Tranquility isn’t a regular niche blog that you might find on the web. Instead, it is a blog of everything: beauty, writing, reading, lifestyle, motherhood, and even careers. I really wanted to make a place where I could connect with other readers with similar interests that wanted to know, well, more about me and my life outside the web.

Who am I?

Greetings! My name is Amber. I am a creative thinker with a wild imagination. I am a dedicated writer and web designer. I live with my husband, our two shorkies, and two children. I am also a devoted follower of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I graduated from college with a Bachelor’s in English and a Master’s in Secondary Education. I love to write within the Fantasy Genre. My goal is to either finally finish one of my novels and see it published, or I would like to teach at the high school level.

Web designing started out as a hobby back in 2001 when I moved to a different town. Not liking the new location, I started to browse the web within a genre that I enjoyed: fantasy. Geocities was my first home which lasted for about six months before finally becoming hosted and then eventually migrating to my own domain for fanstuff and finally here for my more personal things.

I am an avid video game player moving between both PC-related and console games. My favorite series is Legend of Zelda. Final Fantasy VI, Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, and Illusion of Gaia are my top favorite games. In the PC world, I mainly play World of Warcraft, but occasionally you can find me on League of Legends, Diablo 3, Dream of Mirror Online, or Runescape,

If you need to contact me for any reasons such as inquiries, collaborations, questions, etc, you can email me at hello+watermia.org.

About Watermia.org

Watermia.org started out as an attachment to my first domain, shattered-memories.org. It was a personal outlet for me to express my daily life regarding anything. I eventually decided that I wanted to branch out with the domain and try different things. While the Tranquility isn’t at the spot I want it at the moment, there has been changes here that I have enjoyed and wouldn’t forget or even remove.

The name ‘watermia’ is from one of my favorite video games: Illusion of Gaia. It is the name of one of the villages that you visit. At first, Watermia wasn’t the first choice, but because of my love of the ocean, I thought it worked out perfectly. The domain was purchased in November 2011 from Namecheap. It is hosted through my main domain, shattered-memories.org.